January 2021

Big Blue Blog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod varius enim, at pulvinar magna facilisis at. Pellentesque nec sagittis metus. Quisque est est, blandit nec odio ut, vulputate accumsan velit. Morbi porta ante id interdum vulputate. Integer id felis faucibus dui ornare varius. Quisque dictum,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod varius enim, at pulvinar magna facilisis at. Pellentesque nec sagittis metus. Quisque est est, blandit nec odio ut, vulputate accumsan velit. Morbi porta ante id interdum vulputate. Integer id felis faucibus dui ornare varius. Quisque dictum,


Super Bowl Ad Tactics in Your Marketing

(Contributed to by Rebecca Rando) According to Fox Sports, Super Bowl LIV, which took place last year in Miami, was seen by roughly 148.5 million people. While many of these viewers are genuinely interested in the outcome of the game itself, everyone is undoubtedly eager to see the highly anticipated Super Bowl ads. With the incredibly high viewership of the

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Narrative Rationality in Your Marketing Strategy

(Contributed to by Natasha Zukowski) Let’s talk about knowledge. How do you know what you know? How does what you know influence your behavior? According to the theory of narrative rationality, initially penned by Walter Fisher, human beings are storytellers by nature. We know our world through the stories we have heard and the tales we tell ourselves. Now you

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