Tag: tech companies

Big Blue Blog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod varius enim, at pulvinar magna facilisis at. Pellentesque nec sagittis metus. Quisque est est, blandit nec odio ut, vulputate accumsan velit. Morbi porta ante id interdum vulputate. Integer id felis faucibus dui ornare varius. Quisque dictum,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod varius enim, at pulvinar magna facilisis at. Pellentesque nec sagittis metus. Quisque est est, blandit nec odio ut, vulputate accumsan velit. Morbi porta ante id interdum vulputate. Integer id felis faucibus dui ornare varius. Quisque dictum,


When Did Apple Become a Technology Company?

You’re probably reading this headline and saying to yourself, “What are you talking about? Of course Apple is a technology company.” Sure, by the standard definition you are correct. However, ever since the days of Steve Jobs’ return to Apple when he unveiled the first iPod to the world, Apple established itself as the master of making the complex simple.

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