David Eichler

Big Blue Blog

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod varius enim, at pulvinar magna facilisis at. Pellentesque nec sagittis metus. Quisque est est, blandit nec odio ut, vulputate accumsan velit. Morbi porta ante id interdum vulputate. Integer id felis faucibus dui ornare varius. Quisque dictum,


Zoom Calls Display Glimpses of a Professional’s Personal Life

Your colleague’s unscripted toddler appearance mid-Zoom disbands the superfluous workplace formalities I’d like to believe that one of the good things to come out of COVID is our ability to get a glimpse into the personal lives of our professional colleagues. This is something that will stay with us long after the virus stops wreaking havoc on the world. Videoconferences

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Spend the Money for Professional Photography

Top Denver, CO PR agency’s creative director discusses why hiring professionals will pay off  Spend the money! Even during the best of times, not many business owners get all warm and fuzzy when they read that phrase. Well, whether times are good or they are what they are now, let me first acknowledge my personal and professional bias when I

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Real Art Drives Social Media Engagement, Not Stock Imagery

Why Denver’s top content marketing agency emphasizes using art instead of stock imagery for client social media channels We all know a picture is worth 1,000 words, so why then, when we are presenting our social media work, do we treat pictures or “art” like the red-headed stepchild? We eagerly share our work with a client. “Here’s the content calendar

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Building Relationships in a Digital World

In today’s digital world, social media and email has seemingly replaced traditional communication practices. As an advertising agency in Colorado, we’ll happily concede that technology plays a critical role in business, but we also maintain that it’s vital to sometimes go around technology to make personal, one-on-one connections. What’s the big deal? Why is this important? Anyone who’s worked 10

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A Note to All Millennials

Quick, what is this image? For the purpose of the next 321 words, let’s just call it a metaphor. You may have read (on your watch?) that millennials have officially become the majority of the workforce. Now it’s us geezers (35+) whose music, appearance and work style will get scrutinized. We’ve had almost 200 millennials come through Decibel Blue’s doors

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