Diane Eichler

Big Blue Blog

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer euismod varius enim, at pulvinar magna facilisis at. Pellentesque nec sagittis metus. Quisque est est, blandit nec odio ut, vulputate accumsan velit. Morbi porta ante id interdum vulputate. Integer id felis faucibus dui ornare varius. Quisque dictum,


Social Media Analysis: Video Conference Companies the New Forefront for Social Media

Zoom, Webex, and GoToMeeting are the New Workplaces and Social Media Companies are Struggling to Compete By Diane Eichler Zoom and other video conferencing technologies have emerged as essential workplace and non-work related socializing tools during COVID-19 isolations. Pre-COVID, Zoom meetings were simply alternatives for in-person meetings. Now, video conferencing is essential to work from home, and social media giants

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Picking a CSR Partner: Who, What, When, Where and Why

Ok, it’s more like what, why and how. A tangentially-related example In the ’90s, white eggs were all you could find at the grocery store. In the early 2000s, more options made their way onto shelves as the general public wanted free-range, local and organic options. Fast forward to 2018 and white eggs (while still available) have lost incredible market

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Paid vs. Earned Media: What’s the Difference?

When promoting a product, service or brand, both paid and earned media tactics are needed to get the word out. But here’s the thing. Do people really understand the difference between these two strategies? From our experience as a public relations agency in Phoenix, the answer is: usually not. Earned media Earned media, as the name suggests, is exposure earned

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It’s Time for Your Routine SEO Maintenance Appointment!

Now more than ever, the art of marketing is becoming more and more specialized as we shift more towards all things digital. Gone are the days where you only needed a shiny new website and social media to be successful. It’s time to take a look under the hood and see how your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is performing. Understanding

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Who Came Up with the Word Entrepreneur Anyway?

Who came up with the word entrepreneur and why does it have to rhyme with something that squirts out of a cow’s ass? Maybe because frequently that’s exactly what an entrepreneur is full of. Yes, we acknowledge that as a small business owner our proverbial house is made up of the finest glass in the world, but for the moment,

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